Saturday, August 22, 2009


What are you thankful for today? What is the silver lining? Take a good look and start to seek out happiness....misery is dying to be found but happiness is jumping for joy and you'll need to follow it.

Happiness doesn't sit still, it has energy and moves with light and love. You'll need to feel the light and love deep down inside of you before you can recognize happiness.

Take a few moments to close your eyes and drop down into your soul flame inside. Feel calm and then search around for joy and as you follow the energy of love you'll soon discover happiness bouncing around inside you somewhere.

Can't find happiness? Try again. Stop, step back from what you're doing, close your eyes and seek it out. When you find your internal happiness let it rise all the way up into you mind and flood your thoughts.

Self gratitude comes along with happiness. Be happy you are alive, you can read, you can hear, you have two legs, you have hair, for where you live, for who you are, that you love, that you are loved and so on.

Happiness is only a thought away. Gratitude of yourself and your life keeps you in close company with your happiness. Go on give it a try and you'll see how your life changes from challenge to joy moment by moment, day by day. Keep it up now, it's a regular practice that needs your attention.

Looking forward to assisting you again soon,
Make it a great day,
Light and Love...............Margit x

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No Dream - No Steam!

Are you lacking enthusiasm? Has your 'get up and go' got up and gone? All too often it's easy to get started in your career, new adventure or business and before long lack of enthusiasm and drive begins to disappear. Why is that?

Your dream is your driving force behind your energy and passion for life. No dream? No Steam. You will lack focus, determination and efficiency if you are not reminding yourself daily of what is important to you.

Do you long to retire early? Spend more time with your children or have more couple time? Have you always wanted to travel to far off destinations without financial restrictions?

Whatever your dream is, it is imperative you hold that vision, and use your imagination daily to keep it uppermost in your mind. Your dream is the fuel to pump your heart and mind into efficiency to be inspired to take action when it counts.

If your dreams are not clear, use today to begin to clarify what you want and when you want it. Put time frames in place and allow yourself to move forward wholeheartedly without reservation during the journey and don't stop focusing. All too often people look up and take their eyes off the ball to only view the challenges and then they begin to feel weighed down and lose objectivity of just how far they've come, and even just how little they have to go. Sometimes giving up just before the victory begins.

With dogged determination in your mind, your dream will ignite a passion inside you that can last forever and bring you all the rewards you need because you never took your eyes of the horizon. You never allowed daily challenges to get bigger than what they needed to be. You understood that your dreams are real, have life and can be accomplished with patience, persistence and determination. You understand you have all these qualities yet allow negativity and ego to get in the way.

Forge on, keep going at the other side of struggle is victory! How do I know? Like you, it takes a journey of winning for us to understand the path felt difficult but instead was a blessing in disguise. Out of every challenge comes the chance to view life maturely, and rise to greater heights.

Dream on! Put feelings into your dreams, think of them often through out the day, allow yourself to daydream for brief moments and fill your mind the potential and possibility. Keep moving in the flow of life's prosperity current and soon enough you will come across your victory's.

Light and Love................Margit x

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Change and grow prosperous

Happy August to You!

Here in Australia we're enjoying Winter and I must say the bare trees and cold mornings help me give thanks for our best teacher in life, Mother Nature.

How many times do you resist change? Human's are funny creatures, they're the only living breathing mammal that prefers things stay the same, rather than change? Why is that?

When you live in a comfort zone, it can be either positive or negative. We all know people in our lives who continue doing the same thing expecting different results. We all know people who live with oppression or in a negative way rather than choosing differently.

Your soul aligns with Mother Nature constantly evolving and growing through change into positive motion. To progress forward in life you will need to change and like it or not, it goes hand in hand with evolution of life.

Mother Nature teaches us to accept life changes from season to season, from the birth of lambs in Spring through to new growth after a bush fire. Life constantly moves forward, are you?

True prosperity comes from trying every day. Each day when you wake up, are you going through the same routines year after year? If you are wanting dreams to come true then you will have to take a risk on yourself and move forward, evolving, learning, growing and adapting in new ways.

As you look to those who have gone before you and become successful in their chosen field, you will admire them not only for their achievements but for their characteristics that intuitively you have as well. The only difference is that your mentor has found the key to using their strengths more frequently than you.

How do you find your strengths? How do you know how to use them? Well I'll let you in a clue here, the mere fact that you are reading this article and wanting to know more, means you are ready for change and that your soul desires prosperity.

What you do now is keep searching until you find the right system for you. How will you know? You will feel it is right. It will 'sit' well inside and without any doubt, you'll feel good scary feelings knowing you're about to embark on a new journey towards success. You are about to change, and not into something you will dislike but you are about to change into the man or woman you are on the inside. Returning back to your true authentic self.

In your true authentic self there is natural power and passion and when used with the right system, masses of wealth, health and happiness abounds. Give it a try, it will be scary at first but once you've worked with your passion in your dreams and with fantastic systems, you will feel so wonderful and wonder why it took so long to get started.

Look forward to next time and to connecting with you,
Make it a great week,

Margit x