Sunday, March 29, 2009

Home Study Course for YOU

Hey everyone,

Your home study course of Spiritual Development is being launched next week and I'll be sending out personal emails to let you know how to log in! How exciting, you'll be able to learn in the comfort of your own home, whenever you want, and learn at your own pace!

So, what else would you like to learn? Want to know more about how spirit communicates with us? How many guides do you have? How do your angels and guides help you towards prosperity? How does wealth and spiritual development go hand in hand?

Leave your comments here? I'll be happy to answer them and keep you posted with loads of information.

chat soon and have a great week.........Margit x

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hi All, How are you? Do you know your spiritual guides name? Would you like to know if there was an easy way to find out? In the coming weeks, I'll be giving you some hints and the meantime, let me know what you'd like to learn about spirit?
Have a great week,
Margit x

Friday, March 20, 2009

Are You Cheating Today Out Of Pleasure?

Would you like to live a better life? To bounce out of bed in the morning, walk with a spring in your step and wear the biggest smile on your face?
Happiness is a choice, but many Australians today are consumed with negativity overload, and unfortunately the content
is full of gloom. Isn't is refreshing to hear good news? Why go through life trying to live in the future when the present is waiting for your attention?.
It is said that gratitude is the greatest emotion. All too often people are reminded of what they don't have, or persuaded to feel less than whole
that there life is lacking in what society reminds 'what you should have'. Take a step back and look around, begin to see with new eyes,
what you have in your life that you can be grateful for. So many times the illusion of tomorrow, the 'I'll be happy when...' cheats the pleasure out of today. How many
times do you worry about what may come rather than relaxing in the now? Children are great teachers and by watching a
child play completely absorbed in participation, you'll witness the joy of the moment. Imagine if you were able to relax
that way? To take 'time out' and even for an hour, wallow in participation of that hour in mind and body.
Try to turn your thoughts to become grateful. The new blade of grass pushing through from under the soil doesn't know fear, it simply knows it's journey.
Look only to the light in the distance, you're on the right path
and gratitude reminds you that reassurance is not comfort but courage is the sustaining support required.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hi everyone,its a new week and a new look to the week. Let's begin with dreams and are you keeping your dreams alive in your heart and mind. All too easy to allow life to interfere, so stay on track and keep dreaming, and then, dream bigger again! Happy dream building, Margit x

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How To Discover The Fortune That Lies Hidden in Your Head

Have you ever thought that if you could only get your ideas out of your head, onto paper and then manifested through action, that life would be simpler? It's true, life would become less stressful if the pathway through this equation didn't encounter barriers. If life could be simply thought - action = success. If only those past core belief issues didn't get in the way!! How can you not only recognise the inner saboteur of Fear, but also eliminate the saboteurs barrier? I'll share some strategies with you soon. Margit x