Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You Tube Affirmation of Power video

A Xmas Present for YOU!    click below and watch this 5 minute video of the most powerful affirmation that will change your life.  Enjoy!


Merry Xmas and have a happy New Year!

Light and Love..............Margit  

Monday, November 2, 2009

How to Find Bliss!

How do you get yourself through hard times?

We're taught that nothing is permanent that everything is part of the journey and not the destination.  Your emotions change frequently, your thoughts change rapidly and your focus changes daily. It takes a strong and courageous mindset to keep toiling away on building a dream.

Success takes persistence. Some days you'll allow life to interrupt and at these times do not rush instead take your time. Other days you'll be full of energy and powering on accomplishing so much.  In the days between success and sadness, all effort is needed to stay true to your dream. Change your mindset from scarcity and lack to one of fulfillment and security. Nothing is accomplished simply by wishing.

Amazingly re-training your thoughts is not as difficult as you might first think. Notice the difference between these two statements, "I don't know why, and I can't explain it but I just know everything is going to be OK and I feel calm" and "I haven't heard, I don't know, I'm uptight and worried everything won't work out the way I want" .The first statement is one of innate trust and the second is one of fear.

Many times you will only trust because a guarantee or the illusion of reassurance is apparent.  Ultimately self trust gives security, for will you abandon you?  Why do you need it to be just so?  What does having it your way give you?  Surrender and allow yourself to flow embracing joy and sorrow, happiness and heartache. They are all teachers and healers showing you where you either need to evolve and grow or give self love.

Students who comes with grief,  receive listening and then slowly are guided in mindset to see underlying aspects not first understood because emotions restricted wisdom. When I was a teenager my Father passed which delivered my first life lesson challenging me to sink or swim emotionally. It doesn't matter within what time frame you learn, emotional strength and self understanding knows you are being challenged to mature and reach an authentic life.

Trusting the ebb and flow of universal life force brings relief. You are worth a life of serenity and fun filled laughter, train your mind to embrace daily change. There is no loss or gain for you really are perfect just the way you are. You were born free, your soul will leave freely with non-attachment to life's treasures, so enjoy life's offerings it's your path to bliss.

Light and Love...............Margit

Friday, October 30, 2009

Is Love Eluding You

When love eludes you, when you feel alone, don't despair.

Love is present in many ways that maybe you aren't aware. Were you wanting love to be a certain way or arrive through a particular someone? Was your subconscious controlling how to bring love near? Love comforts through the sun falling on your face all the way to giving thanks you don't live in a war torn place. How often do you expect love a certain way?

Do you need love to fill you or to feed you when you are feeling down? Do you then only return to greet love when emptiness has come around? When you release control, give up need and open your heart to all possibilities, love flows to you in multitudes of ways. Silent nights are filled with creative thoughts, long days give arrays of possibilities and life flows as in breathing and out breathing removes thoughts of control and life become bliss. In surrender to the grandness of life, love shines through where once you took no notice. No longer viewing through limited eyes you now see love surrounds you.

Where once there was only one way to feel, multitudes of loves rays are received. Where only one remedy would mend your broken heart, now life offers unlimited choice where you will be filled. Multi-dimensional living brings heightened awareness of all that life offers. Understanding brings peace as you learn and live with ebb and flow, highs and lows, joys and fears that are part of human life. No longer do you crave for certain ways, hunger for only one source or feel scarcity at being alone.

Life fills you because the simple goodness of life around you nourishes your soul.  Let life turn you on, for the blue of the sky, the green of the trees and the clear waters of the ocean love you just the way you are.

Light and Love.............Margit x

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How Do You Increase Positive Mindset?

How many times have you worried yourself silly before an event or situation occurs, only to find that you not only coped but it wasn't as bad as you once thought?

If you're like many Australian's today your answer would be that most of your thoughts are caught up in suppositions and presumptions bringing on premature feelings of anxiety or stress. Creating a positive mindset that supports wishes and desires is your responsibility, and all too often mind training is thought of as chore, something to be done last.

Ask yourself if your thoughts support you to walk, talk and act successfully or if they drain and weigh you down? How many times have you tossed and turned, a mind full of thoughts stopping you from falling asleep or, awoken early in the morning long before it's time to rise with the chatter and noise of a mind conversations?

If you begin training your mind to support your life plans, through daily repitition of reading and speaking positive thoughts, you will sleep soundly resigned in the trust your life is evolving accordingly. If you worry, at the mercy of life and external challenges you can farewell the friend of inner peace.

To help train your mind towards positive thought and inspiration you will find an abundance of help in books, CD's and personal life coaching? I encourage you to find a mentor, someone experienced in insight and in teaching how to instill positive life patterns. Life is a journey and not a destination.

Evolution is part of your growth, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Discover what your mind desires as food for thought and increase positive reinforcement on a daily basis. You're worth succeeding in life and your thoughts are your foundation to prosperity.

Albert Einstein once quoted 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results'. Are you evolving or revolving?

Light and Love.............Margit x


Saturday, August 22, 2009


What are you thankful for today? What is the silver lining? Take a good look and start to seek out happiness....misery is dying to be found but happiness is jumping for joy and you'll need to follow it.

Happiness doesn't sit still, it has energy and moves with light and love. You'll need to feel the light and love deep down inside of you before you can recognize happiness.

Take a few moments to close your eyes and drop down into your soul flame inside. Feel calm and then search around for joy and as you follow the energy of love you'll soon discover happiness bouncing around inside you somewhere.

Can't find happiness? Try again. Stop, step back from what you're doing, close your eyes and seek it out. When you find your internal happiness let it rise all the way up into you mind and flood your thoughts.

Self gratitude comes along with happiness. Be happy you are alive, you can read, you can hear, you have two legs, you have hair, for where you live, for who you are, that you love, that you are loved and so on.

Happiness is only a thought away. Gratitude of yourself and your life keeps you in close company with your happiness. Go on give it a try and you'll see how your life changes from challenge to joy moment by moment, day by day. Keep it up now, it's a regular practice that needs your attention.

Looking forward to assisting you again soon,
Make it a great day,
Light and Love...............Margit x

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No Dream - No Steam!

Are you lacking enthusiasm? Has your 'get up and go' got up and gone? All too often it's easy to get started in your career, new adventure or business and before long lack of enthusiasm and drive begins to disappear. Why is that?

Your dream is your driving force behind your energy and passion for life. No dream? No Steam. You will lack focus, determination and efficiency if you are not reminding yourself daily of what is important to you.

Do you long to retire early? Spend more time with your children or have more couple time? Have you always wanted to travel to far off destinations without financial restrictions?

Whatever your dream is, it is imperative you hold that vision, and use your imagination daily to keep it uppermost in your mind. Your dream is the fuel to pump your heart and mind into efficiency to be inspired to take action when it counts.

If your dreams are not clear, use today to begin to clarify what you want and when you want it. Put time frames in place and allow yourself to move forward wholeheartedly without reservation during the journey and don't stop focusing. All too often people look up and take their eyes off the ball to only view the challenges and then they begin to feel weighed down and lose objectivity of just how far they've come, and even just how little they have to go. Sometimes giving up just before the victory begins.

With dogged determination in your mind, your dream will ignite a passion inside you that can last forever and bring you all the rewards you need because you never took your eyes of the horizon. You never allowed daily challenges to get bigger than what they needed to be. You understood that your dreams are real, have life and can be accomplished with patience, persistence and determination. You understand you have all these qualities yet allow negativity and ego to get in the way.

Forge on, keep going at the other side of struggle is victory! How do I know? Like you, it takes a journey of winning for us to understand the path felt difficult but instead was a blessing in disguise. Out of every challenge comes the chance to view life maturely, and rise to greater heights.

Dream on! Put feelings into your dreams, think of them often through out the day, allow yourself to daydream for brief moments and fill your mind the potential and possibility. Keep moving in the flow of life's prosperity current and soon enough you will come across your victory's.

Light and Love................Margit x

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Change and grow prosperous

Happy August to You!

Here in Australia we're enjoying Winter and I must say the bare trees and cold mornings help me give thanks for our best teacher in life, Mother Nature.

How many times do you resist change? Human's are funny creatures, they're the only living breathing mammal that prefers things stay the same, rather than change? Why is that?

When you live in a comfort zone, it can be either positive or negative. We all know people in our lives who continue doing the same thing expecting different results. We all know people who live with oppression or in a negative way rather than choosing differently.

Your soul aligns with Mother Nature constantly evolving and growing through change into positive motion. To progress forward in life you will need to change and like it or not, it goes hand in hand with evolution of life.

Mother Nature teaches us to accept life changes from season to season, from the birth of lambs in Spring through to new growth after a bush fire. Life constantly moves forward, are you?

True prosperity comes from trying every day. Each day when you wake up, are you going through the same routines year after year? If you are wanting dreams to come true then you will have to take a risk on yourself and move forward, evolving, learning, growing and adapting in new ways.

As you look to those who have gone before you and become successful in their chosen field, you will admire them not only for their achievements but for their characteristics that intuitively you have as well. The only difference is that your mentor has found the key to using their strengths more frequently than you.

How do you find your strengths? How do you know how to use them? Well I'll let you in a clue here, the mere fact that you are reading this article and wanting to know more, means you are ready for change and that your soul desires prosperity.

What you do now is keep searching until you find the right system for you. How will you know? You will feel it is right. It will 'sit' well inside and without any doubt, you'll feel good scary feelings knowing you're about to embark on a new journey towards success. You are about to change, and not into something you will dislike but you are about to change into the man or woman you are on the inside. Returning back to your true authentic self.

In your true authentic self there is natural power and passion and when used with the right system, masses of wealth, health and happiness abounds. Give it a try, it will be scary at first but once you've worked with your passion in your dreams and with fantastic systems, you will feel so wonderful and wonder why it took so long to get started.

Look forward to next time and to connecting with you,
Make it a great week,

Margit x

Monday, June 29, 2009

What Are You Looking For - A Miracle?

3 simple steps to command your own Miracle.

1. Mind Your Thoughts - Train your mind to work for you, not against you. If you believe you can have success, you can. If your mind is not trained through constant daily application of affirmations, vision boards and CD's then all you will receive is reassurance that everything around is not going according to plan. Despite appearances, your mind needs to be trained to remind you how to tune into the universe and use it's powerful energy through right thought to attract more opportunities and new beginnings into your life.

2. Heart Feels It - If you believe you can not be successful but are worth being successful, then feel it. Just like you drink water to hydrate, you need to regularly feed your soul with love of self. To think right thought which is empowered thought is to love yourself. To want to have riches and love beyond imagination is self love. To strive in thought, walk and talk of your dreams and to not be embarrassed by your actions, is self love. Keep it up, and know that you have to do these teachings every day.

3. Soul supports Success - When in doubt, close your eyes for a moment, breath deep and drop down into your soul energy where calm resides. Stay there for a few moments and allow relief to return to your thoughts and feelings. If you can't achieve this, do it again and again until you get it right. Yes,it will take effort, like anything in life when you want to be good at something, you need to practice until you get better. You know you want success, so allow your soul to guide you with peace and calm back into a better way to think, act and feel. No one else is going to give it to you, you have to give it to yourself.

Until next time, make it a great week!

Light and Love...........Margit

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Listen to Teleseminar '7 Simple Strategies to Greater Confidence'

The recording of the teleseminar recorded Monday 1st June 2009

7 Simple Strategies to Greater Confidence

Hi Everyone,

'How To Find The Fortune That Lies Hidden In Your Head' Teleseminar that was recorded on Monday 1st June 2009, is ready for you now!

This teleseminar will also be available in transcript and I'll be uploading it into the Members area in the next week. There will also be available a worksheet to help you clearly find and discover your confidence and find your fortune. I know how much this will assist your personal and business growth.

My next teleseminar call will be Thursday 11th June @ 7pm Western Australia time.
"How To Be Authentic and How This Increases Speed To Success"

I will email you the phone number and code in the Spirit e-zine, so if you don't receive my newsletter please go to http://www.margit.com.au and click on the download now arrow, receive your free e Book and look out for these details in your in box in the next few days!

Wishing you all a wonderful week and I leave you with a wonderful quote from Mother Teresa,

"There is more hunger for Love and Appreciate in the world today than for Bread"
Mother Teresa -

Click here to Listen: http://podcast.thebasementventures.com/telcorecordings/podcast.rss?bridge=855415

Margit x

Friday, May 29, 2009

Light & Love


It's finally Autumn here in West Australia and the morning are crisp and cold, bringing a special energy to the garden.

Light is the loving energy force all around you, guiding you and guarding you. Whether you see Light energy or not, is not important. Believing that Light is within you and around you will help you to understand your connection to all living things. That you are connected with the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and Mother Nature and the universe.

What does this mean to you? It's not just a comforting thought, it represents the truth of you who you are and what you hold inside you. Forgetting that you are more than you appear, try to understand your interconnectedness in all of life. The flow of the tides of the ocean, increasing life and light to all species who dwell within the energy of the oceans. You too are interconnected to this energy.

When you feel deep inside your soul a calm peaceful energy, you are immediately connected with life itself. Saying 'I love you' to you, as well as others is flowing with this life force, the energy of light. Life is light, life is love and life is peaceful. Everything else is manufactured or manipulated.

Bring your thoughts into alignment with your light and love. Stop and close your eyes, sit still and simply feel and be. Let breath enter your body, fill your lungs and bring your vibration to a resting point. Feel peaceful, feel calm and know that you are awakening to the light and love living inside your soul.

Increasing life, more love, greater happiness, better health and attracting riches and wealth, all begin with your life light, your soul energy.

Start today to regularly keep in touch with your soul life, with the light within you that guides you and guards you as you create the life you wish to have. The secret to abundance is to learn about your light. Becoming more beautiful is found when your light radiates from within first and then the external physical manifests your internal truth.

God loves you for your being your truth, your light and your love. Meditate on this truth often, and use your dream time to reflect on what you really desire. You can have it all.

Light and Love..............Margit x

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Becoming Confident

Is Confidence Natural or Learned?

Did you grow up with confident role models? Have you
learned by example how to honour your inner truth and stand
by your principles?

Many people today sway in the wind, all to easily changing
and stifling truth for fear of disharmony. Are you someone
who would rather nod politely and internally disagree so as
to keep the peace? Or do you boldly and sometimes over
zealously state your opinions under the justification, 'I don't
care what people think' convincing yourself you don't yet
deep inside you long for peace?

Confidence has it's orgins from the soul. When your soul
is at peace, you are aligned in mind, heart
and soul, feeling calm with life you'll soon radiate confidence
without having to utter a word.

Ever known a person with presence? Someone who can
be in a room with other people and not be eagerly engaged
in a conversation yet their aura emits a presence of strength?

I can easily feel when people are naturally confident or have
over time practised acting confidently, because inner calm
and strength of being radiates as energy, which is felt as quiet
strength of character.

I also know people who have presence and yet are insecure,
and their presence comes from a state of mind, stubbornly
fixed and sometimes a survival mode covering fear. This is
not the type of presence spirit refers to when they state a man
or woman is 'assured'.

When you feel so deeply calm, that no outside, external state
of event or being can interrupt that presence of energy, you
will have sustained poise and peace. It is a deep flame
radiating out and can be felt by all that come into your company.
When someone self assured person enters a room the energy can
be so formidable that it makes a person turn to view the source.

When you are aligned with your mind, heart and soul and neither
leads the other, harmony is the trinity of being then your
inner confidence will exude serenity that warmly states, 'I am me
and that's ok'.

You will be often drawn to people who are self assured, not
because they're more attractive, more wise or more open than
other's but simply because your soul recognises the energy of
a soul in peace. Wanting that peace for you, your soul guides
you to the aura and energy of likeness, and knows that life
lessons are valuable even when learnt on the sub conscious

Have you ever walked away thinking 'what a nice person'
not really understanding what it was you liked?

For your self confidence you need to look inward.

Your question is, 'do I love all that I am, my weakness and my
strengths?' and if you answer yes, then you will not only feel
calm but exude a calming presence. 'Do I forgive myself for
making choices that at the time seemed to be all that was
available, even though I now know better?'
If you answer yes, self love is present.

If you answer no, take some time to love yourself today, for
love is the elixer to sooth the mind into feeling calm.
When you are calm, your soul is radiating.

Look forward to teaching you next monday, 1st June 2009.

by Margit Robson

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fix Your Heart & your Get a Clear Mind

Hi Everyone,

This blog post is in direct response to the common theme of clients I've been spiritually counselling in the last month, clients that have put everyone and everything else First and forgotten to give to themselves.

It is so important that you give to yourself every day even in a very small way. Some examples of this are:

- Spend an extra 5 minutes at night preparing for the next day, so the next morning you can spend an extra 5 minutes laying in bed, using your will to create positive thoughts and rise positive feelings, to begin your day.

- Make a note of a particular TV show you want to watch and make plans to be able to take time to sit and watch it, and not feel guilty in any way.

- Allow Mother Nature to surround you exchaning energy with you as you walk in the sunshine noticing every detail, the shades of blue in the sky, the shades of green in the grasses and plants and realise an energy exchange takes place as you're interconnected with 'life'.

- Next time you cook a meal for your loved ones, cook what you want and also what you know they like as well. Remind yourself you are important too, and cook to please you every now and then,not just everyone else.

- Sit with your children and whether watching their movie or reading a book together, allow your mind to be fully present, don't start thinking of what comes next or what has to be done later. Enjoy the power of the moment, it's for you too.

I could list hundreds and hundreds, and these are only some examples to show you how important you are yet you forget to put yourself first sometimes.

Self love is the foundation of inner peace. Without self love your physical body will manifest illnesses, and without self love your stress levels will rise. It is not selfish to give to yourself. It is an important part of balancing life.

In the membership area of my website membership programme there is an eBook available for you to read called, 'What You Ought To Know That Will Save You Thousands In Counselling Fees' and it is written on Love. When you read this eBook you will begin to have your eyes opened to the power of giving and receiving and how vital Love is for living a full and sustaining life. If you are single, it explains how to find love through self love, and if you are in a relationship it explains how to keep love at it's fullest through self love.

I urge you all to read this book now and discover some hidden jewels of wisdom that will open your eyes and save you time, money and worry and give you peace of mind.

Have a great week, and take care of yourselves. You're important you know!

Margit x

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lest We Forget

Hi and Welcome!

I know there are many of you that come here to read and learn, and today I want to share with you the impact communicating with loved ones passed over, gives your life and the universe.

Firstly, whenever you think of a loved one passed over, know that you do not have to call them to you to connect with you. Have you ever considered that you are thinking of them because they have instigated the reminder? Yes thats right, your loved ones want to guide you and guard you so they are with you before you realise they are. When you think of them, remember them, they are often right by your side, waiting for you to connect with them.

So many times students ask me, how can I connect with my loved one passed on? The quickest way is to just close your eyes and think of them, remember a memory from the past and feel the loving connection you had together. While you are in that state of reflection, that loved one in spirit is with you and connected very closely to you, more than you know.

As we Australians remember the lost diggers and soldiers from Gallipoli, we too will know that they who are passed over are also here with us, still marching in the parades and joining in the drink after. They too, who have departed, will share with us here, our memories and loving thoughts. Many cannot see them, and so it is to those of us who can, to remind everyone else that they are not departed, merely represented in a different form.

Have a great long weekend, and when you bow your head and give gratitude for the soldiers we lost and their great service to our great land, know that you are not alone in your relfection, for standing with you may well be one of your grandfathers or great grandfathers, giving you love right back.

Until next time,
Margit x

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Follw me on Twitter

I'm getting excited as the launch of teaching over the internet is only a few days away. I know I sound excited over something people are using, that is the internet, time and time again, but I've been teaching Spiritual Development for years in small private classrooms and now, I can start teaching value to clients overseas and from all over the world!
For all my clients in the US, UK and Asia and eastern Australia, you now can log in, and start learning whenever it suits you! I look forward to sharing and giving you more and more spiritual lessons and look forward to your input.
Today, Im interested in how you find your 'Inner Peace' every day? Do you meditate regularly, walk in Mother Nature or chill out with friends? Everyone finds it differently, but as long as you go to your place within, and become peaceful every day, your health and life will improve dramatically!
Light and Love..................Margit x

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Home Study Course for YOU

Hey everyone,

Your home study course of Spiritual Development is being launched next week and I'll be sending out personal emails to let you know how to log in! How exciting, you'll be able to learn in the comfort of your own home, whenever you want, and learn at your own pace!

So, what else would you like to learn? Want to know more about how spirit communicates with us? How many guides do you have? How do your angels and guides help you towards prosperity? How does wealth and spiritual development go hand in hand?

Leave your comments here? I'll be happy to answer them and keep you posted with loads of information.

chat soon and have a great week.........Margit x

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hi All, How are you? Do you know your spiritual guides name? Would you like to know if there was an easy way to find out? In the coming weeks, I'll be giving you some hints and tips.....in the meantime, let me know what you'd like to learn about spirit?
Have a great week,
Margit x

Friday, March 20, 2009

Are You Cheating Today Out Of Pleasure?

Would you like to live a better life? To bounce out of bed in the morning, walk with a spring in your step and wear the biggest smile on your face?
Happiness is a choice, but many Australians today are consumed with negativity overload, and unfortunately the content
is full of gloom. Isn't is refreshing to hear good news? Why go through life trying to live in the future when the present is waiting for your attention?.
It is said that gratitude is the greatest emotion. All too often people are reminded of what they don't have, or persuaded to feel less than whole
that there life is lacking in what society reminds 'what you should have'. Take a step back and look around, begin to see with new eyes,
what you have in your life that you can be grateful for. So many times the illusion of tomorrow, the 'I'll be happy when...' cheats the pleasure out of today. How many
times do you worry about what may come rather than relaxing in the now? Children are great teachers and by watching a
child play completely absorbed in participation, you'll witness the joy of the moment. Imagine if you were able to relax
that way? To take 'time out' and even for an hour, wallow in participation of that hour in mind and body.
Try to turn your thoughts to become grateful. The new blade of grass pushing through from under the soil doesn't know fear, it simply knows it's journey.
Look only to the light in the distance, you're on the right path
and gratitude reminds you that reassurance is not comfort but courage is the sustaining support required.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hi everyone,its a new week and a new look to the week. Let's begin with dreams and are you keeping your dreams alive in your heart and mind. All too easy to allow life to interfere, so stay on track and keep dreaming, and then, dream bigger again! Happy dream building, Margit x

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How To Discover The Fortune That Lies Hidden in Your Head

Have you ever thought that if you could only get your ideas out of your head, onto paper and then manifested through action, that life would be simpler? It's true, life would become less stressful if the pathway through this equation didn't encounter barriers. If life could be simply thought - action = success. If only those past core belief issues didn't get in the way!! How can you not only recognise the inner saboteur of Fear, but also eliminate the saboteurs barrier? I'll share some strategies with you soon. Margit x