Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fix Your Heart & your Get a Clear Mind

Hi Everyone,

This blog post is in direct response to the common theme of clients I've been spiritually counselling in the last month, clients that have put everyone and everything else First and forgotten to give to themselves.

It is so important that you give to yourself every day even in a very small way. Some examples of this are:

- Spend an extra 5 minutes at night preparing for the next day, so the next morning you can spend an extra 5 minutes laying in bed, using your will to create positive thoughts and rise positive feelings, to begin your day.

- Make a note of a particular TV show you want to watch and make plans to be able to take time to sit and watch it, and not feel guilty in any way.

- Allow Mother Nature to surround you exchaning energy with you as you walk in the sunshine noticing every detail, the shades of blue in the sky, the shades of green in the grasses and plants and realise an energy exchange takes place as you're interconnected with 'life'.

- Next time you cook a meal for your loved ones, cook what you want and also what you know they like as well. Remind yourself you are important too, and cook to please you every now and then,not just everyone else.

- Sit with your children and whether watching their movie or reading a book together, allow your mind to be fully present, don't start thinking of what comes next or what has to be done later. Enjoy the power of the moment, it's for you too.

I could list hundreds and hundreds, and these are only some examples to show you how important you are yet you forget to put yourself first sometimes.

Self love is the foundation of inner peace. Without self love your physical body will manifest illnesses, and without self love your stress levels will rise. It is not selfish to give to yourself. It is an important part of balancing life.

In the membership area of my website membership programme there is an eBook available for you to read called, 'What You Ought To Know That Will Save You Thousands In Counselling Fees' and it is written on Love. When you read this eBook you will begin to have your eyes opened to the power of giving and receiving and how vital Love is for living a full and sustaining life. If you are single, it explains how to find love through self love, and if you are in a relationship it explains how to keep love at it's fullest through self love.

I urge you all to read this book now and discover some hidden jewels of wisdom that will open your eyes and save you time, money and worry and give you peace of mind.

Have a great week, and take care of yourselves. You're important you know!

Margit x

1 comment:

  1. Great post Margit! I agree that you need to continuously make efforts to stay in the good vibration and positive playing field. The practice and continued effort will eventually turn into habit.
