Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Becoming Confident

Is Confidence Natural or Learned?

Did you grow up with confident role models? Have you
learned by example how to honour your inner truth and stand
by your principles?

Many people today sway in the wind, all to easily changing
and stifling truth for fear of disharmony. Are you someone
who would rather nod politely and internally disagree so as
to keep the peace? Or do you boldly and sometimes over
zealously state your opinions under the justification, 'I don't
care what people think' convincing yourself you don't yet
deep inside you long for peace?

Confidence has it's orgins from the soul. When your soul
is at peace, you are aligned in mind, heart
and soul, feeling calm with life you'll soon radiate confidence
without having to utter a word.

Ever known a person with presence? Someone who can
be in a room with other people and not be eagerly engaged
in a conversation yet their aura emits a presence of strength?

I can easily feel when people are naturally confident or have
over time practised acting confidently, because inner calm
and strength of being radiates as energy, which is felt as quiet
strength of character.

I also know people who have presence and yet are insecure,
and their presence comes from a state of mind, stubbornly
fixed and sometimes a survival mode covering fear. This is
not the type of presence spirit refers to when they state a man
or woman is 'assured'.

When you feel so deeply calm, that no outside, external state
of event or being can interrupt that presence of energy, you
will have sustained poise and peace. It is a deep flame
radiating out and can be felt by all that come into your company.
When someone self assured person enters a room the energy can
be so formidable that it makes a person turn to view the source.

When you are aligned with your mind, heart and soul and neither
leads the other, harmony is the trinity of being then your
inner confidence will exude serenity that warmly states, 'I am me
and that's ok'.

You will be often drawn to people who are self assured, not
because they're more attractive, more wise or more open than
other's but simply because your soul recognises the energy of
a soul in peace. Wanting that peace for you, your soul guides
you to the aura and energy of likeness, and knows that life
lessons are valuable even when learnt on the sub conscious

Have you ever walked away thinking 'what a nice person'
not really understanding what it was you liked?

For your self confidence you need to look inward.

Your question is, 'do I love all that I am, my weakness and my
strengths?' and if you answer yes, then you will not only feel
calm but exude a calming presence. 'Do I forgive myself for
making choices that at the time seemed to be all that was
available, even though I now know better?'
If you answer yes, self love is present.

If you answer no, take some time to love yourself today, for
love is the elixer to sooth the mind into feeling calm.
When you are calm, your soul is radiating.

Look forward to teaching you next monday, 1st June 2009.

by Margit Robson

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